Writing • Culture • Preparedness
As Gun Culture is undergoing a generational shift, the REDACTED Culture community is both evidence to this, and an example of what is coming. Out with anti-intellectualism, in with deeper understanding. As the podcast hosts thought leaders from all walks of life, the community continues to build itself up through local events, and national conversation. Gun Culture is not longer limited to the gun safe, but instead is reaching into overlanding, homesteading, and community responsibility.
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Sleeper Cells in the United States.

In 2020, I knocked something off my bucket list.
There were two of us, CQB-clearing (deliberate) through a big name grocery store, in plates and with rifles. I had an MK18. It was surreal.
The week prior, two of us were standing in the parking lot across the street from the 3rd Precinct in Minneapolis, as the police station burned to the ground.

The Summer of Love was never about Love.

And I predicted, after reading this book, that within 3 years BLM would be siding with terror groups like ISIS.

And here we are today. BLM openly harboring support for Hamas. And before we get too deep in the weeds, this isn't about Israel or Palestine or Gaza or Hamas.

And today, we're seeing concern rise over the idea that "sleeper cells" could be activated in America. Here's the thing though. The common idea of a sleeper cell agent isn't accurate. It's not some shady terrorist creeping over the porous southern border to integrate into some American town, only to one day pull out an S-Vest from a secret stash.

The sleeper cell agent in your neighborhood is the son of a BLM activist who is disenfranchised by his community and so seeks brotherhood in petty gang activity.

Jamil Jivani outlined this process, on the radicalization and recruitment of young men into terror cells in his book "Why Young Men" and it's worth a read.

Below is a affiliate link, to the book on Amazon.

<a target="_blank" href="">Why Young Men</a>

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November 25, 2023
Writing / Mailing Address

PO Box 30633
Tucson, AZ 85751

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Weekly Q&A

I'm looking to start a weekly Questions and Answers segment just for Supporters, and have one question for you.

Each Monday a new post would appear with the week's date. Throughout the week, you can leave your questions in the comment section of that post. At the end of the week, I'll host a live stream on Locals (here), and go through your questions.

What would work best for you to tune in live?

Civil War Discussion

So I went to the movie for a second time and saw some new holes in the movie.

Overall assessment 6/10.
Reference: Bladerunner 2049: 10/10
Anything Marvel tops at a 4/10.

In the final firefight, when you see casing on the ground, they're clearly blanks.

The movie is decidedly non-political, and that is most likely on purpose.

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